Sunday, March 18, 2007


Hyderabad is a modern and large city that is one of the large technology centers, home to such industries as Microsoft and Dell. Construction is booming. We will visit Hyderabad today and I will report on it in a later posting.

For now, it is time to drive to Hyderabad to visit Tech Center and see the pearls that Hyderabad is famous for. As we go, we will once again see an amazing assortment of vehicles, people, and animals sharing the road. One principle that seems to be understood is that you must share the road with all. Bigger tends to get priority although the life of all things is to be spared. The common means of communication is the horn.

One fact that is obvious is that the city is growing faster than the infrastructure. The amount of traffic is amazing and tiring. Fortunately, we have a driver who is skilled at the arti of driving.

The Western influence in Hyderbad is obvious. Billboards and restaurants are the most obvious indicators. The growth is visible everywhere with construction of high rise buildings everywhere.

There are several MB churches in Hyderabad. We went to one, the only English speaking church, on Sunday. As is common, many churches meet in rented space. The church we attended was in a school. There were about 60 in attendance. I was asked to preach and did so. Genesis 6:8 was the text, "But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.


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